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On-The-Go Series Completed

May 09, 2009 by Laura Rogers

Lori Gowin and I drove to Atlanta for SharePoint Saturday on April 18th.  We simply turned the camera on, and started talking.  For the past few weeks, I’ve been uploading one new file each night.  Now, the whole series has been uploaded for your viewing pleasure.

Click here to see the list of all ELEVEN webcasts.  It will blow your mind (no, not really).

Before I had sliced our 2 big videos up into a bunch of little ~8 minute ones, I simply guessed that there would be about 10 of them.  There ended up being eleven.  Sorry, sue me.


Written by Laura Rogers

I’m currently a Senior SharePoint Consultant at SharePoint 911. I formerly worked in SharePoint in the healthcare industry for several years. I have ten years of experience with Microsoft’s messaging and collaboration systems. This includes five years in SharePoint implementation, training, and customization. I’ve been a MCSE since 1999, with my most recent certifications being MCSE 2003 + Messaging, MCTS in MOSS and MCTS in WSS 3.0 Configuration. I also wrote chapter 29 (about web parts) in the Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Administrator’s Companion.

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