The not-nearly-updated-often-enough blog of Brian Lalancette

Automating Managed Property Mapping in MOSS 2007 / Search Server 2008

March 12, 2010 by Brian Lalancette

I was recently asked to customize the Advanced Search experience for a Search Server Express 2008 customer. Remember that MSSE is basically WSS 3.0 + the search components from MOSS 2007 (remember that ancient product?). Anyhow this involved enabling the selection of a number of custom fields in the ‘property restrictions’ drop-down. Part of this overall process is mapping Managed Properties to Crawled Properties within the Search Administration area of the shared services provider. I more or less assumed that this would be a GUI-only, manual process for the 20+ properties I was dealing with. However I was faced with applying the changes to at least 4 different environments - not a lot of fun, and likely prone to error by tired eyes and fingers. I wasn’t (and still am not) aware of a way to do this using STSADM.exe, and even scoured the help for STSADM once again in case I’d missed something - no luck.

As is often the case, I stumbled on a neat solution while looking for something else entirely. The folks over at released a freeware utility called MOSS Search Manager a while back, and it was designed exactly for this purpose. Fantastic! Now all I needed to do was include it in a batch file, give it the names of the managed properties to map (via a text input file), and run the batch file in each environment.

Here is the full script of the batch file. Copy/paste to .cmd, and don’t forget to list all of your managed properties in a file called PropNames.txt in the same directory as the script and MOSSSearchManager.exe.

@ECHO OFF ECHO - Adding/Mapping Managed Properties... SET URL=http://yourURL: SET ContentSource="Content Source Name, e.g. Local Office SharePoint Server sites" SET InputFile=%~dp0PropNames.txt ECHO - Getting crawled properties... FOR /F %%a in (%InputFile%) do ( MOSSSearchManager crawledprop %URL% SharePoint | find /i "ows_%%a" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO Crawled property "ows_%%a" not found! ) ECHO - Getting managed properties... FOR /F %%a in (%InputFile%) do ( MOSSSearchManager managedprop %URL% SharePoint | find /i "%%a" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO Managed property "%%a" not found! & pause ) pause ECHO - Mapping properties... FOR /F %%a in (%InputFile%) do ( ECHO - Mapping property %%a: MOSSSearchManager mapmprop %URL% %%a %%a ECHO - Mapping property ows_%%a: MOSSSearchManager mapmprop %URL% ows_%%a %%a ) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 pause ECHO - Initiating Full Crawl... MOSSSearchManager crawl %URL% %ContentSource% startfull timeout 10 ECHO - Checking Full Crawl Status... MOSSSearchManager crawl %URL% %ContentSource% status pause EXIT

Although this script was used for Search Server in my case, the search components are shared with MOSS 2007 so the utility/script will work with both products. And yes I suppose I could/should have used Powershell, it wasn’t yet installed on the target server(s) and would have involved additional change management process - not worthwhile for the length of this particular engagement.

So I suppose the lesson is… just when you think it can’t be automated, there may be a solution out there!


Written by Brian Lalancette

Hey fellow Sharepointers/Powershellers/infrastru… ah never mind. My name is Brian Lalancette, and I’m a Premier Field Engineer (PFE) at Microsoft Canada.

This blog is a long time coming, and a realization of my New Year’s resolution for 2010 – to share some of the knowledge about SharePoint, server virtualization/infrastructure, and other tidbits I’ve picked up over my 18+ years in IT. Hope it can help some of you out, and always looking forward to hearing your thoughts & comments. All posts and info are provided without warranty, etc. etc. and I’m not responsible for blowing up your or my production servers, deleting all your data, or leaving coffee stains on your desk and crumbs in your keyboard.

Cheers! Brian

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